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Gift cards

(hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”)

Scope of the Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions shall apply to contracts relating to requesting, funding and using Premier Gift Cards between GE FOC I Ingatlanhasznosító Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (address: 2051 Biatorbágy, Budaörsi út 4; registry number: 13-09-197595; hereinafter referred to as “Issuer”) and customers applying for retail vouchers issued by the Issuer (hereinafter referred to as “Premier Gift Card”), and the customer applying for the Premier Gift Card (hereinafter referred to as “Contracting Party”), and the holder and user thereof (hereinafter referred to as “User”).

  1. Applying for and funding the Premier Gift Card 

    1. Premier Gift Cards are available at Premier Outlet (2051 Biatorbágy, Budaörsi út. 4), and may be obtained and funded at the information desk subject to prior registration.
    2. The Contracting Party may apply for a Premier Gift Card in his or her own name or for the benefit of a designated other person. If the Contracting Party and the User are not the same persons, the particulars of both the Contracting Party and the User will be recorded during prior registration. The Contracting Party represents and warrants that the data he or she has provided are true, accurate and complete, and that he or she is duly authorised to provide the data of a third party. Information on the processing of personal data provided during registration is available at www.premier.hu.
    3. By requesting the Premier Gift Card, the Contracting Party shall confirm knowledge and acceptance of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
    4. Simultaneously with applying for the Premier Gift Card, the Contracting Party is required to top up the requested Premier Gift Card.
    5. The Premier Gift Card can only be loaded once, at the time of requesting the card. The minimum amount to loaded on the Premier Gift Card is HUF 5,000, while the maximum amount is HUF 200,000.

  2. Management of the amount loaded on the Premier Gift Card 

    1. The Issuer represents and warrants that the amount loaded on the Premier Gift Card will be managed in accordance with the instructions of the Contracting Party and/or the User during the Validity Period, and will be available for such use at all times during the opening hours of Premier Outlet throughout the Validity Period.
    2. The amount on the Premier Gift Card cannot be converted into cash and the Issuer shall not pay interest on the amount available on the card, nor credit it to the Premier Gift Card.
    3. The amount available on the Premier Gift Card is credited and used denominated in Hungarian forints.

  3. Using the Premier Gift Card 

    1. The Premier Gift Card will only be accepted in the Premier Outlet stores participating in the Premier Gift Card programme (hereinafter referred to as “Participating Stores”), for purchases of goods and services.
    2. The list of Participating Stores is available on the information posted at information desk of Premier Outlet, and also at www.premier.hu.
    3. Purchases made with the Premier Gift Card are subject to the general terms and conditions of the relevant Participating Store. The Issuer shall not be liable or held responsible or for products and services paid for by the Premier Gift Card, nor for any breach or other unlawful conduct on the part of the Participating Store concerned.
    4. If topped up successfully, the Premier Outlet Gift Card can be used to pay for part or all of the purchase price of the product or service purchased.
    5. The amount available on the Premier Gift Card can be used in full, without any deductions, but only up to the amount loaded on the card.
    6. The validity period of the Premier Gift Card is 12 months from the date of funding (hereinafter referred to as “Validity Period”). The Premier Gift Card can be used only during the Validity Period.
    7. Neither the Issuer nor the Participating Stores are obliged to verify, by checking identity or in any other way, that the User has legally obtained the Premier Gift Card presented for use. The Issuer shall not be liable for any damage resulting from unlawful use.

  4. Redemption and cancellation of Premier Gift Cards 

    1. With the exception of the replacement specified in points 5.3 and 5.4 of these Terms and Conditions, the Premier Gift Card cannot be redeemed after the expiry of the Validity Period, and if the balance on the Premier Gift Card drops to zero HUF, the Premier Gift Card will be automatically cancelled.
    2. After the cancellation of the Premier Gift Card, the Premier Gift Card may no longer be used, and the Issuer will not refund the balance available on the Premier Gift Card.
    3. At the request of the Contracting Party or the User after the prior verification of identity, provided that the identity check confirmed the personal data of the Contracting Party or User provided at the time of prior registration, the Premier Gift Card, if lost or stolen within the Validity Period, may be cancelled at the information desk of Premier Outlet, and the balance available on the Premier Gift Card at the time of cancellation will be credited by the Issuer to a new Premier Gift Card. The fee for a replacement card is set out in point 5.4 of these Terms and Conditions.
    4. If the Premier Gift Card is damaged during the Validity Period to an extent where it can no longer be used, the Issuer will provide a replacement Premier Gift Card at the Premier Outlet information desk at the request of the Contracting Party or the User and transfer the balance available on the card, and the Validity Period of the new Premier Gift Card shall be counted from the date of funding the Premier Gift Card. The fee for a replacement Premier Gift Card is HUF 2,000 per card.

  5. Complaint management 

    1. The Issuer shall provide facilities for lodging complaints related to the application, top-up, use and cancellation of Premier Gift Cards, as well as the replacement of Premier Gift Cards and their cancellation under point 5.3 of these Terms and Conditions at the Premier Outlet information desk.
    2. In case of a complaint related to crediting the amount available on the Premier Gift Card, including the balance, the receipts received at the time of applying for the Premier Gift Card and during the purchases made using the card shall be presented.
    3. Contact information for the information desk:
      Phone number: +36 23 449 700
      E-mail:       info@premieroutlet.hu
    4. To prevent any misunderstanding, the Issuer declares that the User is obliged to contact the Participating Store concerned with any complaints related to the products or services purchased with the Premier Gift Card at a given Participating Store.

  6. Miscellaneous provisions 

    1. The Hungarian law shall govern these Terms and Conditions, including its interpretation.
    2. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found invalid or unlawful, or becomes invalid or unlawful, such provision shall be deemed to be independent of these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect or impair the validity, legality or applicability of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions.
    3. These Terms and Conditions shall enter into effect on the day of publication at www.premier.hu or when posted at the information desk of the Premier Outlet shopping centre.
    4. The Issuer reserves the right to change the content of these Terms and Conditions at any time, where the new, modified Terms and Conditions shall also enter into effect on the day of publication at www.premier.hu or when posted at the information desk of the Premier Outlet shopping centre.


Biatorbágy, 2 January 2020
GE FOC I Ingatlanhasznosító Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság