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Premier Outlet


Hungary’s largest outlet center was opened in Biatorbágy, near Budapest, in 2004. Premier Outlet Budapest, attracting more than two million Hungarian and foreign visitors every year, is not a crowded shopping plaza but an exclusive shopping village: the over 100 shops are located on an area of 22,900 m2. This outlet center accommodates hundreds of premium fashion, lifestyle and sport brands, offering standard 30-70% discounts on every day of the year. In addition, Premier Outlet Budapest awaits the visitors with spacious shops, open passages and with a refreshing, green environment, which is the main attraction in addition to the discounts.


In the wake of the enhancements completed in the spring of 2019, the outlet center - renewed both inside and outside - started a new era. New luxury brands have arrived, the passages and the park have been redone to offer a perfect shopping experience, there are more resting places, a playground has been built for the small ones, the main entrance and the bus stop have been moved to the southern side and the restaurant offer has also been extended significantly. Now the visitors can select from the foods and drinks of American (Starbucks, Subway), Italian (Vicino), Mexican (Chimichanga), Hungarian (Bodrogi Dupla Lecsó) and French (Le Petit Anna Bistro) gastronomy, or they can take a break from shopping and sip away a coffee on the glass-roofed four-season terrace.

The Premier Outlet also gives home to Aprópolisz, the world’s first Playmobil play town, where kids can play among life-size Playmobil figures in a theme-based environment, while their parents check out the discounts offered in the shops. It is a prime goal of Premier Outlet Budapest to give more and more to its customers. For this reason, free family events and thematic weeks are organized several times a year as well as charity actions and socially important causes are promoted, and the visitors are also encouraged to do so.

ROS Retail Outlet Shopping, ROS Retail Outlet Shopping, headquartered in Vienna, with partnerships in Poland, Italy and France, is an independent retail real estate consulting and centre management company specialised in Designer Outlets and innovative shopping concepts across Europe. Since 2024 ROS is part of the French listed property group FREY, located in Reims Bezannes. The founders Thomas Reichenauer and Gerhard Graf are both committed professionals with many years of experience and knowledge in the European outlet market as well as recognized personalities in the industry. Founded in 2011 and thus one of the shortest existing companies in this field, ROS has already established itself among the top ten outlet operators in Europe.

ROS Retail Outlet Shopping covers all stages of a project from finding the right location to developing it to all aspects of operational management. Sustainable centre growth is supported by a strong brand partner management, high quality retail and customer services standards as well as an innovative marketing approach provided by a professional senior management team. The portfolio of ROS Retail Outlet Shopping includes Designer Outlet Soltau, City Outlet Geislingen, Brugnato 5Terre Outlet Village, Designer Outlet Warszawa, Designer Outlet Gdańsk, Designer Outlet Sosnowiec, Premier Outlet Budapest, Designer Outlet Algarve, Designer Outlet Croatia, La Galleria Parma, M3 Outlet Polgár and further new developments in Europe.