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Premier Outlet Budapest

About us


Premier Outlet Budapest, Hungary’s largest outlet center, opened its gates to the customers in Biatorbágy, in 2004. Premier Outlet Budapest is not a crowded shopping plaza: it was designed as a shopping village, with over 100 shops on an area of 22,900 m2, divided into 3 phases. Hundreds of fashion brands are accommodated at the outlet center – including sport brands, fashion brands, shoes, accessories and underwear – permanently offering 30-70% discounts throughout the year. Premier Outlet awaits its visitors with spacious shops, open passages and with a green environment, providing one of the main attractions in addition to the discounts. Our outlet center also runs a restaurant section where you can select from the finest foods or you can take a break from shopping and sip away a nice coffee. Kids are not bored with us either: they can come and have fun at Aprópolisz, the world’s first Playmobil play town. The smallest ones can play among life-size Playmobil figures in a theme-based Playmobil environment, while the adults check out the Premier Outlet Budapest shops.