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6 6 -1
Fri 5 1
Sat 6 1
Sun 5 1
Mon 5 0

Premier Outlet Budapest


All roads lead to Premier Outlet Budapest!


Plan your journey quickly and easily!

VOLÁNBUSZ timetable

VIP SHUTTLE - Cityrama

Arriving by car?

By Car

From Budapest, take the M1 motorway exit 16, Budapark. Coming from Győr, take the M1 motorway at junction 17 and follow the signs for Budapark. From Szeged, follow the M0 bypass towards Győr, then follow the Budapark sign to main road 1, turn towards Budaörs and follow the Budapark sign. Our outlet offers 1600 free parking spaces in a safe, car-friendly environment.

Public Transport

You can get to Premier Outlet Budapest by bus from the city centre. Buses 760, 762 and 767 stop directly in the outlet centre at Biatorbágy, Premier Outlet station. Board the buses at Budapest–Kelenföld station and arrive to Premier Outlet Budapest in just 20 minutes. It is a direct line. Budapest-Kelenföld station can be reached from the city centre in many ways, metro (M4/green line), tram (19,49,1) and many bus lines stop here.

VIP Shuttle

We teamed up with Cityrama to offer you an exclusive ride from the heart of Budapest directly to Premier Outlet Budapest outlet centre. Taking you on a half-day shopping experience, this fits perfectly with your itinerary if you are looking for how to make the most of your afternoon. Upon registering, and for a small fee, Cityrama brings you to the outlet centre, free from hassle.