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New Balance

The Boston-based company has a history of over 100 years. The company was founded in 1906, at that time insoles were manufactured. By the end of the 1930s, they introduced a type of running shoes that had never been manufactured before. Since then, New Balance has brought a number of innovations to the shoe industry. Many people know the brand for their running shoes, but more and more people also like their street models, which include many classic models. New Balance is proud that many models in the collection are made in their factory in England or America. But shoes made in the Far East are also manufactured under strict supervision and quality control. As a result, New Balance running shoes and street shoes meet the highest quality standards. The assortment of clothes and accessories, bags will also appear soon!

At New Balance Outlet, all New Balance products are sold at 30-70% below normal market price.

Business Number: 10

Phone number: +36 30 613 2606


New Balance

Premier Outlet Budapest
Üzlet 10
Budaörsi út 4.
2051 Biatorbágy

+36 30 613 2606