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The G-Star brand was founded in Amsterdam and has since become known worldwide, with its products worn with pleasure and comfort by men and women. Its reputation for high quality and unique appearance and style has reached celebrities around the globe. The main product line is jeans, which have been marketed under the name Denim RAW since the beginning. Its distinctive feature is the use of incredibly "raw" materials, not only for men but also for women, hence the use of the term RAW. In addition to its clothing collections, it also manufactures accessories, with special attention to the shoe line, which combines luxury, naturalness, and functionality. Although every G-Star Raw shoe is directly related to street style, it can also complement a business-casual appearance, reflecting the uniqueness of the wearer. G-Star Raw is for those who are used to standing out from the crowd. These products are ideal for urban, everyday wear, incredibly comfortable and practical, with the vast majority of models made in white, black, or gray, emphasizing the purity and raw appearance of the materials used.



Premier Outlet Budapest
Üzlet 42
Budaörsi út 4.
2051 Biatorbágy

+36 30 010 3439